For a 500g jar person
Preparation 30 min.
In a frying pan, sweat the shallots and the onions with some butter, add the scallops and fry t hem until the pan is dry and the contents starting to brown.
Deglaze the pan with the Noilly Prat, then add the cream and the vanilla pod, cut in two lengthways. Keep the cream moving, scraping the bottom of the pan while it cooks for three minutes, before transferring the contents of the pan to a blender. Blend the mix to a particle size of just under a millimetre, turn it out and set aside to cool off. Once it is at room temperature, add the lemon zest and juice as well as the butter, chopped finely. Season and put in a cool place to rest for two to three hours, before spreading your potted scallops on small squares or circles of toast.