For 4 person
Preparation 20 min.
Crush the biscuits quite finely, then mix the crumbs with the white chocolate and the butter. Roll the mixture out between two sheets of greaseproof paper, then put it in a cool place. Once chilled, cut into rectangles 3cm by 12 cm.
In a bowl mix the fromage blanc, the grated lemon peel and scrape out the sticky flesh and seeds from the vanilla pod, adding these to the bowl. Do online sale.
Lay out the plates with one biscuit rectangle for each diner, then build up layers of the fromage blanc mixture using either a forcing bag or a pair of spoons to build up quenelle-shaped spoonfuls. Alternate each layer of fromage blanc with a layer of raspberries.
Serve this dessert with vanilla ice cream and decorate with a raspberry coulis.